
A large blacktop court is surrounded by woods. The Pro Dunk Platinum with regulation size backboard is a great fit for this large court.

A large blacktop court is surrounded by woods.  The Pro Dunk Platinum with regulation size backboard is a great fit for this large court.

A large blacktop court is surrounded by woods. The Pro Dunk Platinum with regulation size backboard is a great fit for this large court.

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Basketball court surrounded by woods
Andrea has created a wonderful area for the family. A 50 by 35 blacktop is the perfect size to house a half-court.
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Asphalt Concrete Blacktop
Some great photos of what can be done using blacktop (a.k.a. asphalt concrete or pavement) existing and new.
Half Court
Wonderful pictures of basketball half-courts submitted by our customers and one of the largest categories of photo albums we have.
Basketball courts that have the key, three-point line and and other lines striped.
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